Benefits of Going Solar

Benefits of Going Solar

Between government tax incentives and compelling purchase and finance programs, it’s easier than ever to go solar and recoup the costs of your system in a matter of 7-10 years, in most cases. There are even financing packages available that have zero upfront costs—just a dramatically cheaper monthly energy bill and a much cleaner carbon footprint. In areas like Arizona, where air conditioning is a necessity, harvesting our most abundant natural resource is essential because the costs of buying power from local utilities are only going up. 

We’re all pretty familiar with the multiple rate increases by our three largest utilities in just the last four years! With a warrantied life of 25 years and effective life of 40-50, solar panels lock in predictable energy costs for decades, while freeing you from utility uncertainty. Summer is right around the corner, so for those of you considering making the switch to solar, we thought we’d take a moment to share our top three favorite financial benefits to going solar.

Lower Power Bills

The most obvious financial benefit of solar power is that it can lower your utility bills. It’s a simple equation, actually. Any power you produce yourself through your solar panels is power that you don’t have to purchase from the utility. When your system produces more power than you’re using, that power is sent back into the grid in exchange for an energy credit.


The expected return on your investment in solar energy is greater than you think. Many times it will outpace standard financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and CD's.

Sustainable Future

Ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable future for generations to come is priceless. Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of energy on the planet. With warranties available for up to 25-years and an active production life as high as 40-50 years, your clean energy solar investment is one that will benefit your children and grandchildren alike.

Tax Incentives

Right now there are lucrative federal solar tax incentives available that can offset nearly one-third of the purchase prices of a solar system through a 26% tax credit. This 26% tax credit will decrease again at the end of 2020, so it’s important to act now to get the biggest return on your solar investment. There are also compelling financing and leasing options available. 

Today it’s entirely possible to go solar with minimal to no out-of-pocket investment. So long as your monthly lease or loan payment is below your average bill, you’re still left with money in your pocket at the end of the month and many decades of predictable energy costs

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